979.021.098 | 678.350.004 am.kalin@hotmail.com

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Eta: 26
Segno zodiacale: Capricorno
Altezza (cm): 162
Peso (kg): 45
Colore degli occhi: verdi
Colore dei capelli: castani
Studi: superiore
Professione: traduttore
Stato civile: nubile
Figli: NO
Vorrebbe avere figli: si
Hobby,capacita: cucina , sport , musica , ballo , viaggi , arte , lettura , natura , fotografia , animali , cinema , attivita fuori casa .
Carattere: buona , affettuosa , curiosa , lavoratrice , modesta , sincera , romantica , equilibrata , sincera , premurosa , fine , allegra , fedele , orientata alla famiglia , socievole , che le piacciono i bambini , onorata , simpatica , intelligente .
Fumatore: no
Altre lingue: italiano ( pessimo - puo capire qualche parola, ha bisogno di interprete) , inglese ( buono - capisce bene la lingua e riesce spiegarsi bene) .
Religione: altra
Nazionalita: bielorussa
Sul marito:
Eta da 26 fino 45
Altezza (cm) da 167 fino 200
Il compagno ha figli: non importa
Aspettative della coppia ideale: intelligente , buono , premuroso , fedele , stabile economicamente , simpatico , che gli piacciano i bambini , che gli piaccia la famiglia , generoso , allegro , atletico , educato , responsabile , sicuro di se , decente , onesto , equilibrato , sincero , senza abitudini deleterie , serio , sicuro .
I really love learning the cultures of different countries and I enjoy being abroad. I thought
that maybe I could find my man there, maybe my husband would be a foreigner.
My dream is to find my Soulmate, my Friend and my Husband all in one! I am sure that this
is an amazing combination! My goal is not just to get married, but also to establish a really
close friendship with someone with whom I can create a strong, lifelong and fulfilling
relationship. With whom I can share my love, warmth and tenderness. With whom we can
explore life together, enjoy it and grow together!
In my view, I am a Citizen of the World - I love the whole planet! Experiencing new cultures
and discovering new horizons is one of my favorite things to do! I have already managed to
live in some countries, although it was not always possible for me to travel. I visited many
cities and interesting places in Belarus, and I also traveled to Poland, Ukraine, Italy and the
UAE. My dream is to see as many countries as possible! I really would like to travel with my
beloved husband around the world!
Although sometimes I like to stay at home. Sometimes I do not want to go anywhere. I just
want to be at home, cook something delicious (I like to experiment in the kitchen, cook
different dishes from different cuisines of the world), watch a movie, take my favorite bath
with flowers, listen to my favorite music or read something interesting or useful.
Learning new things and growing are always my favorite things (you will never get bored
with me). I am a very open-minded and a deep soul. As a couple, I would like to support and
encourage each other in the things we find important and interesting.
Being in nature is something I enjoy. Nature calms me and gives me strength. I love nature
very much.
I love children and animals as well very much. I dream of having my beloved husband,
beloved children and beloved pet(s) in future.
I love to do sports and dance. I especially adore feminine styles of dance such as Pole
dance, Belly dance and High Heels. Moreover, my dream is to dance for my husband as
well! I would also like my husband to do sports (any kind), just like me. I dream to do sports
with my husband sometimes.
This is just a small but very important part about me. If my words caught your attention and
you think that maybe we are on the same path, then write me! I will be very glad to receive
your letter!

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